Tips for Managing Time Between Study and Play

Study and Play

Life would be so much easier if we didn’t have responsibilities, wouldn’t it? If we could just roam around doing the things we enjoy, life would feel like playtime every day. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case for most people. Especially when you’re in school and have to balance studying and recreational time, it can be a hard balance to find. That doesn’t mean you don’t get to enjoy fun and play even amidst a busy schedule of school and homework.

There are plenty of ways to figure out that sweet spot between work and play. It’s all about balance and knowing what to prioritize in the moment. When you specifically make time for those great features and hobbies you love, it gives you an opportunity to enjoy them even more. Plus, you’ll be getting your work done as well and not worrying about that added stress. Let’s take a look at just a few tips and tricks for managing your time between studying and play.

Invest in your hobbies so you really enjoy them when you get the time.

One of the big things to do is to really invest in those hobbies you love. This means you’ll be spending your time truly getting to unwind and enjoy in the best way. For example, if you like to join the gamers and play video games in your free time, you need the best XBOX controller on the market. Make sure your elite controller has easy-to-use triggers, grips, joysticks, and more. You can even look for customization options and headset choices. Make sure your gamepad is a part of an elite series that will make your gameplay better and more successful than ever before. Something as simple as an XBOX controller really can make a difference for your recreational activities and profiles.

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Stick to a weekly schedule with time for both.

As you’re working to balance study and play, it’s important that you actually schedule time for both. As you input your commitments into your weekly schedule, be sure to include time for play. Figure out your priorities but add rest into your routine. This will help you guarantee you don’t get burnt out over time.

Try micro-breaks as you’re studying.

When you’re studying hard, you may assume that means you need to push through with no breaks. Actually, studies are showing that micro-breaks during the workday are great to help keep employees motivated and engaged. This can be the same for studying. Try new ways to take little breaks during the day so you feel happier and less overwhelmed. This customization in your study schedule will help your study time seem like a breeze.

Be honest with yourself about your priorities.

Let’s face it, it’s always going to be easier and more fun to play than to study. However, it’s important to remember what you’re working toward. Be honest about your priorities and be prepared that you may have to say “no” sometimes. But if you’re ultimately looking at college scholarship organizations or a dream job, you’re going to have to put in the work to get there. You are the best controller of your own life, so be ready to make those tough decisions sometimes about what is best in the long run.

Know your time-wasting habits.

There is a difference between play time and wasted time. While everyone is entitled to waste time every so often, it is important to know those time-wasting habits so you can try to avoid them. If you’re someone who spends three hours a day on Instagram, you may want to look for opportunities to put the phone down. Engaging with true play is more effective than mindlessly wasting time.

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