Common Misconceptions about IVAs Debunked


Borrowers needing debt relief in the US have access to numerous options. Plus, there are tons of resources like books about different debt remedies and plans and essential to help you maintain your finances in order.

However, most debt solutions will have lasting effects on your life, so you must be careful before committing to a particular debt relief option. When deciding which option will work best for you, it’s crucial to consider all the possibilities—you will need access to reliable data.  

IVA is one of the most reliable ways of managing individual debts. This post focuses on some of the common myths about IVA. Let’s get started with some definitions!

What is an IVA?

An IVA, or an individual voluntary arrangement, is a legally binding contract between a debtor and their creditor that helps them pay off the debts at reasonable rates. You make payments to a third party who acts as an insolvency practitioner.

The IVA uk consolidates most unsecured debts into a single, manageable, and easy monthly payment, saving borrowers from keeping track of their bills separately.

Typically, individual voluntary agreements are made for five to six years. Any unpaid amounts owed to the included unprotected creditors are eliminated upon successful completion.

Common IVA Myths

IVAs are among the most popular debt relief options, but there is still much misinformation about them.

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This part will cover the five most prevalent IVA misconceptions to help clear up some of the misunderstandings surrounding this well-liked debt relief strategy.

1. IVAs Negatively Impact Credit Scores Forever

Although starting an IVA will affect your credit rating, the damage will not last indefinitely. All the debts in your IVA will be eliminated once completed successfully, allowing you to start over and repair your credit.

The IVA will remain on your credit report for six years from the day you formally arrange one, even if you complete it earlier.

Your information is also kept on the insolvency record but will be deleted one year after your IVA expires.

2. No Savings With IVA

An IVA considers your financial status, one of its key advantages. You choose how much you can pay for your responsibilities each month.

Making a payment plan requires analysing your finances, considering your income, and looking at your monthly expenses.

You can keep part or even all the extra money you earn if you work overtime or receive a bonus during the IVA’s terms. The most significant benefit of this exercise is that it will help you properly comprehend your monthly spending plan. 

You can create savings objectives based on how much you can reasonably deduct from your rainy-day fund.

Start each month modestly and gradually increase your savings as you progress toward larger goals. You will have enough money in this way to handle an emergency or pay for any unforeseen bills.

3. Missing One IVA Payment Will Make It Fail 

Your IVA arrangement won’t end if you miss a payment. However, if you are having trouble making the payments, you must contact your insolvency practitioner immediately.

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Defaulting payments is against the provisions of IVA agreements. Constantly missing to pay your instalments may prompt some creditors to pursue you for the whole amount owed up front, maybe plus interest and fees.  

4. IVA Terms Are Irreversible  

While this is one of the most common gossip, it is untrue. You can adjust the terms of your IVA to reflect changes in your income, whether positive or negative. You must communicate any changes to your insolvency practitioner, who will work with you to modify your plan as necessary.

If you discover that your income has fallen, your IP will collaborate to change your budget to account for this, possibly lowering your monthly repayments. However, the majority of your creditors would have to agree to this.

You must pay a share of each new money you receive or increase your income during your IVA into your agreement. Some of this additional money will be yours to keep, but your creditors will demand that you make more significant IVA contributions.

5. IVA Is the Best Debt Solution

Even though an IVA can be an excellent way to pay off your obligations, some may have better options. If you talk to a trustworthy debt counsellor and discuss your financial position, they can suggest an alternative plan that will work better for you. 

You could discover that an IVA is a good option, but getting professional counsel before committing to any debt relief plan is always a good idea.

In Conclusion 

IVA is one of the best ways to repay your debts. However, there might be other ways for you to handle your bills. For instance, consider a debt management plan. 

This informal agreement will send Your surplus income to a debt management business. The debt management company then bargains with your creditors for lower payback amounts.


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